Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hello, friend.

I'll start by saying that Man taught me the proper use of the comma a while back and I'm pretty excited about it and take every opportunity to make up for my misuse of it the last 23 years as often as I can. Thanks, Love. 

In other news I had round one of my cardiologist appointments this afternoon. It was- gooey. But in the last eleven years they have mastered the art of the goo and now it's warm when it hits the chest. If someone would have told me that two years ago, going to that appointment would have been a horse of a different color. I can just picture the nurse twittering the latest updates in echocardiogram technology and me thumbs upping in approval (can you do that on twitter?). But yes, there were a couple hmmms from the technician, questions I did not have answers to and answers she was not allowed to give me- turns out this lady can rub my boobs for an hour but is sworn to secrecy by the doctors and I have to wait for appointment number two to hear the results. Oh well. She did transfer me to a doctor more specialized in this, although she wouldn't say what this was, and moved my appointment up a couple days causing a little intrigue and slight worry- but as my weekend horoscope said there's nothing more in life that I enjoy than worrying- true. 

It was a long whirlwind of a weekend that sucked in part of last week too. A lot of mom time with a two day celebration of my mom's birthday last week then Man's mom in town from the other side of the country this weekend. There were many trips to the mall and dare I say too much eating although it was a much appreciated break from our eggs and top ramen meal plan around these parts.

It was all pretty great and I am pooped. Yet instead of catching up on all the work I should have been doing this weekend I will share all the pretty things I have found tonight. A compromise, a bit of real news and a hint of fun stuff. But I warn you with all this family in town, too many episodes of the Cosby Show and a little too much boozin on a couple nights got me thinking, and more embarrassingly talking, about family and futures with Man. Gasp. Point being I want them. And in celebration of not finding out that I'm not dying (or at least not hearing it from the nurse today) I spent entirely too much time here looking up pretty pictures. Hello my name is Ashley and I'm a lady: I have uncontrollable hormones this week, my heart swells when I see babies and some day I want to get married. Suck it, because I'm not pretending anymore


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well hello there, lady...